I have 2 ideas of once a week post but I'm not sure how to handle it !?!?!?
- Should I create 2 new blogs and add a linking tab in the navigation bar like I have right now with my 2 blogs (fdgtgrl's blog and Digi Scrap'n Blog Train). This will make it a total of 4 blogs each having a specialty topic.
- Or should I choose a weekly day for each 2 new topics like in this blog I follow Blue Frogs legs. Kelly has, every Friday, what she call "Pay It Forward Friday.
Dear followers, what do you think ???
Thank you for your comments and suggestions.
Sincerely, fdgtgrl
Well, I wouldn't want to deal with a whole bunch of blogs and I've seen a lot of blogs that are both scrap freebies and personal stuff. I say do what easiest for you, whichever that is!